11th edition

jan 6










to learn exciting new stuff
(and to connect with fellow geeks)

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Geek Night is a monthly event to promote sharing of technical knowledge and increase collaboration between geeks in Bengaluru. It is organized by a passionate group of programmers and sponsored by ThoughtWorks.

It happens on the Last Wednesday of every month, unless that's a public holiday or any other unavoidable cause, like an Alien invasion.

We love feedback! If you have any suggestions or cribs, feel free to fill out our feedback form. Don't worry, its completely anonymous.

Geek Night Volunteers


Day 1: 6th Jan 2017




Module 1 & Module 2

Module 1: Introduction to mobile automation, Various tools for mobile application?, What is Appium?, What all can be tested with Appium?, Principle that guided the Appium architecture, Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
Module 2: Install and configuration, Configuring appium on real device, Why work on real device?, Download and Configure Android on local machine, Understanding difference between Api level and Android version, API levels and Android versions supported by Appium, Getting correct API level for Android, Getting correct Android version in Phone - Provider dependant, Enabling developer mode, Debug level settings in Phone, Connecting phone and making sure its being detected in DDMS(Pdanet software), Install Node JS, Download Appium, Configuring Various versioning/API level requirements for Appium, Starting Appium Server from Console, Running your first Appium Program, Configuring appium on Simulator, Installing Simulator, Running first Script on Simulator, Maven dependencies, Various Maven/POM dependencies for Appium, Downloading/Configuring Appium, Selenium from Maven/POM dependencies

By: Srinivasan & Sai Krishna




Module 3 & Module 4

Module 3: Launching Hybrid Native APP on Appium, Desired Capabilities for Appium and Android, Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage, How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any application, Is Apk file necessary to test App - Not in all case, AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes, Appium reinstalls App, Preventing Appium from deleting and reinstalling App, Launching native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings, Always quit appium - Mandatory, Understand WebDriverAgent, Run IOS appium test on Simulator.
Module 4: Identifying UI Element, Opening UIAutomator Viewer through SDK tools kit, Understanding different locator strategies, Device screenshot with Compressed hierarchy, Understanding the different locator tags, What is Appium Inspector?, How and when to run it?, Record and Play using Appium Inspector, Locating elements with the help of Appium Inspector, Inspector will only run with active session, Locating Elements on the App, What all can be locatable, Chaining of Elements, FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator, Exploring UIAutomator API, Finding Elements by ClassName, Finding Elements by ids, Finding Elements by Xpaths, Finding Elements by firstMatch API, Finding Elements by iOSNSPredicates, Using different functions inside UIAutomator class

By: Srinivasan & Sai Krishna

Day 2: 7th Jan 2017


Module 5

Gestures (Swipe, LongPress, DoubleTap, DragNDrop, Slider), TouchActions.

By: Srinivasan & Sai Krishna




Module 6 & Module 7

Module 6: Framework Design - One Page to Test all Platforms (Page Object Pattern).
Module 7: Parallel Testing.

By: Srinivasan & Sai Krishna


ThoughtWorks Technologies Pvt Ltd #601/602, 6th Floor Brigade Nalapad, Mahadevpaura Bengaluru-560048 « Open in Google Maps »
